Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Frequently asked questions.

I guess this my first "real" blog entry. A lot of you have been asking about me. Though this is not an about my life per say, these are a compilation of the most common questions I get on a daily basis. I decided to write everything down and hopefully you find some of this interesting. Hopefully in the future I do want to blog about me :) and why I do what I do, but for now here is a little about me.

1- What is your name?
Merve, It is a Turkish name.

2- Are you a boy or a girl?
I am a woman hear me roar.

3- Are you married?

Yes, happily!

4- Do you have kids?
Yes, a 7 year old son.

5- What is your son's color?
LOL white, and I am yellow and the sky is blue.

6- Is that you in the picture? Is that your son in the picture? Is that your (family tie here) on the picture?
Nope, I use model's photographs, so that is not me, my son, my husband, my cousin, my aunt, my daughter, my mom, my dad, my sisters, my grandma, my grandpa, etc. Unless I specify this is a picture of say X person related to me, please do assume it is a model, not me or a family member.

7- How old are you?
Year Age
2008 28
2009 29
2010 30
2011 31
2012 32
2013 33
2014 34
2015 35
2016 36
and so on and so on....

8- What is your nationality?


9- Why do you have an "accent"?
I studied abroad for a while when I was younger and I also travel a lot.

10- What languages do you speak?
I speak several languages,
including: English, Spanish, Turkish
as my main languages at home and also
can speak Portuguese, Italian, Some Arabic
and Chinese. I am also learning Japanese

11- Why do you make crafts?

At the beginning to teach my son, then
my husband suggested I posted the things
I made on youtube, so here we are 4 years

12- What is your religion?
I am a practicing Muslim, Elhamdulillah.
and yes! I am a convert to Islam.

13- Where are you from?

New York

14- Where do you live?
New York

15- Why don't you show your face?
I am a bit camera shy, plus I want my channel
to be about my crafts not about me.
in the future perhaps I will have a channel about myself,
Islam, cooking and travel.

16- Why is the video counter different
from the amount of videos?

My channel hosts 3 sites, simplekidscrafts.com,
artsandcraftstv.com and muslimkidstv.com.
because some material is meant for the other
two websites and some only for our site
you will see a different count than the amount
of videos that really exists. currently the
counter shows 500+ when in reality there
are over 700 videos.

17- What is your ethnicity?
I am Chinese, Black, Hispanic and White. (1/4 even for each race)

18- What do you like to do on your spare time?
Make crafts, watch tv, gardening, etc

19- What is your profession?
I am an Engineer and Mathematician. (With both B.S and M.S)
In college, I also minored (is that even a word?) in Religious Studies, Physics and Spanish.

20- What do you do for living?

I founded my company in 2003. My husband runs it, I build things, we get paid. LOL

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